Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Memorial Day flowers at the Cemetery

After breakfast at Chick Fila, we drove to the cemetery to make certain that our plots were still there.  I always worry that they have been sold to someone else.  Stranger things have happened to people who own cemetery plots, believe me.

Once upon a time, the owners of the cemetery were very bad record keepers.  Some how when my father and mother in law bought plots at the same cemetery, the staff got very confused because father and son had similar names.  By accident, we discovered they had us all in one file and one plot.  The four of us had to have a sit down face to face meeting and sort the mess out.  Fortunately, we had all our documentation.  We decided at that time to have our name plates placed on the grave plots to make sure they didn’t get us all mixed up again.

So, that brings us to present time, the cemetery is very well managed these days.  As we arrived at the cemetery on Memorial Day we noted that several people were visiting the graves of the fallen heroes of many wars.  We strolled through reading the markers and thanking these great warriors who fought for our freedoms.

As we approached our future resting place, we were surprised to see flowers on our grave site – how touching, except for the fact  that we are not in the graves, just yet.  The flowers were artificial which is probably fitting since it is a faux grave at the present time.  What a giggle!

1 comment:

Grampa' Jim said...

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated !!