Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Blue M&M Elvis

For several years we have given Denny M&M characters to decorate his room.  The cute characters are on roller coasters, at the movies, on motorcycles, dancing to a Jukebox, a toy soldier and much, much more.  He has always liked them or at least tolerated them in his room.  So, this Christmas I was so pleased to find a Blue M&M Elvis.  When you push the button, Elvis sings........ (you guessed it) Blue Christmas.   It was just one of many gifts Denny opened on Christmas day so I gathered up all his gifts and put them away.

M&M Elvis was placed on top of the chest of drawers.  However,  Denny had his own plans for M&M Elvis.  No matter how many times I put it in his room, the next day it is always on the coffee table in our den.  M&M Elvis has made more trips back and forth than you can imagine.  Poor little M&M Elvis......  I guess he is having a Blue Christmas and then more!


Peggie said...

That is just too funny..... He certainly has his own ideas on home decor!!! I LOVE those M&M's characters. It's fun to see so many of them all together. Who knew he was a collector!?!?!?!?

Thanks for sharing!!

Suzann70 said...

Blue is obviously not his color. Now if you put a DR. PEPPER dispenser in his room- all bets are off. Cute story. :-)
