Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

Atlanta is just beautiful with snow (as long as you don't decide to drive your car anywhere). When I called in to work, my doctor/boss said "don't even try to come in". He said he might even spend the night at the hospital to avoid having to drive home and back in the morning. Tonight should be interesting to see if the roads freeze even more.

On the local news and on The Weather Channel, the reporters interviewed folks in Atlanta who are here from Yankee Land or from the West. It is so tiresome to hear how much better they "do it" in New York or Montana or Michigan. In the words of Lewis Grizzard, "Delta, is ready when you are". The GDOT is doing a good job with the equipment they have. We cannot spend taxpayer money for equipment that might not be used but once a year, if that often. So, if everyone just stayed home and off the road, there would be no accidents and the police and HERO units wouldn't be put in danger. The fireman have a really difficult job and we cannot praise them too much! They have to deal with the frozen water along with the treacherous road conditions.

What really surprises me is the number of truckers on the road side and the accidents involving truckers. I thought that they communicated with each other about traffic and road conditions. Didn't someone say "Hey, Y'all, pull off at the nearest truck stop and sit this storm out,'? This weather was predicted days ago - it was not a total surprise.

To the children, this snow is a winter wonderland and they are building memories that they will share with their children and grand children in years to come. To have a White Christmas in Atlanta this year was so very special. I hope the children will always remember it as being special. (Jim has the really good snow photos on his FACEBOOK and blog - check it out)

Among my Christmas gifts were a few books, In the Dark Streets Shineth, A 1941 Christmas Eve Story as told by David McCullough, Decision Points by George W. Bush, and Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. Perhaps in the weeks to come I will review them.

Victoria and Rachel have created some of the most clever and funny flyers to sell GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. I hope you will check them out at her blog. Just remember, even if you can't personally eat the cookies yourself, you can donate them to a school (like Denny's), a nursing home, or our wonderful men and woman serving in the military all over the world.

Stay warm, stay safe, and be sweet!

1 comment:

JP2E said...

Great BLOG as usual sweety. Having a snow day with you was great! Can't wait for our cookies to get here, I ordered some thin mints!!
I will post a BLOG soon with snow pictures. For now, let's enjoy another snow day tomorrow...